It was designed for solving problems with a simple syntax and has been described as an algebraic machine language. 它旨在解决具有简单语法并且已描述为代数机器语言(algebraicmachinelanguage)的问题。
The identification of this phrase has great value for NLPS such as syntax parsing, machine translation. 该短语的自动识别对于自动句法分析,机器翻译等自然语言处理系统都有重要意义。
It is the clear syntax tree front end, the highly recapitulative intermediate language and the concise machine description back end that help GCC port to kinds of platforms. 其清晰的前端语法树结构、高度概括的抽象机中间语言、简洁有力的后端机器描述等三部分为快速实现多语种开发、多平台移植提供了有力的支持。
The research on Mongolian syntax and phrase is urgently in need for Mongolian corpus automatic segmentation, tagging, machine translation, text automatic proofreading and optical character recognition. 现阶段的蒙古文语料库加工、文本校对、文字识别及机器翻译等工程迫切需要面向信息处理的蒙古语句法、短语研究。
Controller operations, such as lexical analysis, syntax check, extracting of machine control words, and interpolating of tools path, are realized by the translating and edit technology. 本文运用编译技术实现了NC程序的词法检查、语法检查、控制字提取和刀具路径插补运算等操作;
In near future, phrase-based method incorporated with syntax and semantic information will become the mainstream of statistical machine translation. 在未来几年内,在基于短语的主流统计翻译方法中融入句法、语义信息,必将成为机器翻译发展的趋势。
In this article we discuss some technical problems on building system, design, dictionary structure, and we design an evaluation method for the rules and the nodes, with which we try to solve the syntax ambiguities in machine translation. 本文还对机译系统构成、设计、词典结构等技术问题进行了探讨,并提出一套规则和结点的评价方法,为消除机器翻译中的句法歧义做了有益的尝试。
This paper analyzes the syntax, libraries, compiler, and virtual machine to show the implementation details of the dynamic loading feature. 详细分析了PScript语言的语法与类库,编译器与虚拟机等部分,并阐述了动态载入实现细节。
The semantic concept of the program is the syntax and accidence of the abstract expression, but semantic concept in the software constitutes the human thought hands over with machine thought with each other the middle transformation of the process. 蕴涵在程序代码中的语义是程序语言词法和语法的抽象表达,构成了人脑思维与机器思维交互过程的中间变换。
And a thorough discussion is develop according to language design, syntax analysis, semantic analysis, the intermediate code generation and the virtual machine which is used to interpret and execute the intermediate codes and so on. 并对语言设计、语法分析、语义分析,以及中间代码生成和用来对中间代码解释执行的虚拟机等进行了深入的讨论。
Judging from the interior structure of the system, cross language question answering system used a lot of NLP techniques and methods, such as syntax analysis, question analysis, named entity recognition ( NER) and machine translation. 从系统内部看,跨语言问答系统使用了大量的自然语言处理技术,如自然语言句法分析、问题分析、命名实体识别以及机器翻译等等。
Based on this model, the complete syntax and semantic of NSL is defined and the compiler and virtual machine of NSL is also designed. 在此基础上定义了完整的NSL语法和语义,设计和实现了NSL的编译器和虚拟机。